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One of the few good things to have come out of coronavirus crisis is a stronger sense of community.
Novelist Paul Coelho’s observation that “life always waits for some crisis to occur before revealing itself at its most brilliant” has been proven right by our response to the pandemic.
We have witnessed the steadfast dedication of our NHS and key workers, more people supporting and engaging with charities and many more people going out of their way to support family, friends and neighbours, particularly those who are elderly or vulnerable.
There has been a discernible shift in mindset and a newfound appreciation for the simple gift of human kindness and its power to strengthen our bonds, awakening a need to help others as a way of enhancing our own lives.
This amazing response should give rise to an even greater emphasis on community building and the need to create opportunities for human connection.
We could see in the long term an acceleration of trends such as collaborative workplaces, shared amenities in residential communities, digital adoption and an emphasis on safer environments. Being connected to the wider community has been found to be particularly beneficial as highlighted by coronavirus.
According to the Centre for Ageing Better, older people need opportunities to build strong and supportive relationships across generations and the organisation campaigns for the creation of communities that make it easier for them to stay active and connected.
Meanwhile, Age UK’s ‘Staying Sharp’ series talks about staying connected to friends and family and taking part in social activities as a way of supporting brain health.
Our focus at Riverstone is independent living within communities that promote active and healthy lives. Family and friends will be welcome to enjoy our beautiful spaces and amenities and our restaurants will be open to the wider public to encourage interaction across the generations.
We hope that today’s renewed focus on meaningful relationships between older and younger people, as a result of the coronavirus, continues to bring benefits to both sides.
Stronger, interconnected communities promote feelings of shared responsibility for each other’s wellbeing and everyone has a role to play. As demonstrated by Captain Tom Moore’s fantastic fundraising efforts, it is never too late for togetherness to give us all a strong sense of purpose.
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